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Friday, 23 August 2019 09:40

Celebration of the Solemnity of Saint Peter Julian Eymard and Professions of Vows

Each year, the last week of July marks a very festive and busy time for the Vietnamese Province, with organising a novena in preparation for the celebrations of both the solemnity of Saint Peter Julian Eymard, our Founder, and the Rites of First and Perpetual Profession.

There was a light rain falling in the early morning of Friday, August 2, 2019, yet it was not able to dampen the joy of the feast. Families, friends, and guests were present to participate in the celebration at Khiet Tam parish. The air was filled with laughter and greetings.

The Eucharist started at 9h am on the same day. The presider was Fr Peter Trinh Nhu Cung sss, provincial superior. Concelebrating with him were our SSS priests and other priests who related to the candidates in different ways. The congregation was composed of the families, relatives, friends and generous benefactors of our Province.

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In his homily, Fr Vincent Nguyen Hoa sss focused on the Eucharistic charism of Fr Eymard. He then invited the candidates to follow the footstep of our founder by putting the Eucharist as the centre of their lives.

After the homily, the rite of the perpetual profession was continued with the examination of the candidates and the litany of saints. Each of them then came forward, kneeling before Fr Peter Cung and publicly made their profession/promise to live three vows of chastity in the celibate state, evangelical poverty, and obedience in the presence of the people of God. The liturgical atmosphere was so moving and touching. In the pews, tears shed on some faces as they probably experienced God’s abundant grace bestowed upon those brothers.

At the end of the mass, a representative from the families of the newly perpetually professed brothers expressed their joy and their gratitude to the province and to the assembled guests. All then shared a meal in warm fellowship.

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On Wednesday, July 31, 2019, at the Scholasticate Community, 29 religious renewed their vows. The same day, 11 young men began their postulancy and 5 brothers entered into the novitiate. The following day August 1, at Hai Duong Parish, there were 7 brothers who made their first profession of vows.

We ask you to continue to pray for them to be faithful to their vocation.

Adveniat Regnum Tuum.

Fr. Martin Augustine Bui Van Hong Phuc, sss