Friday, 12 May 2023 08:50

History of the SSS Community of Cali Colombia

During that time they were getting some basic things. Having some money with them, they obtained some folding beds, mattresses, bed covers and sheets. Since the house was very small, the space available had to be arranged to make the most of it. Thus, the entrance hall could also serve as a Parish office, as well as a bedroom for two people. The next room was the dining room and bedroom. The third room served as library and bedroom. There was no more space.

Because this was an invasion neighbourhood, there was officially no aqueduct network as such, nor sewerage, nor electricity. But they obtained water and electricity, elements stolen from the aqueduct and the electricity supply of the nearby neighbourhood, which had all the services. The water was brought by means of rubber tubes and the electricity conveyed by cables attached to the already mentioned energy supply coming from the neighbourhood that curiously was called ‘El Paraíso’. Thus they could say these benefits came to them from heaven! Of course, the water reached us around 1:00 in the morning, since the people closest to the supply also had to collect water and only after they had done so the water reached the house of the religious. This meant having to get two tanks, similar to oil containers, which were filled up throughout the night. The religious drank, cooked and showered with that water, washing in the middle of the small internal patio, near a tree. Fortunately, the little house had a small area at the back with a latrine. The religious tidied this up a bit, and they took down a signboard, which was attached to the front of the house they were renting, about work in dressmaking, sewing and embroidery... and having a very good sense of humour, they placed this signboard where the latrine was, stating: here we produce dressmaking, sewing and embroidery.

To be continued…

Father Lucinio Martin Herrero, sss
Colombia-Peru, NOTIBIP No. 89 - March 2023

Last modified on Friday, 12 May 2023 08:55