Living a Radical Response
Celebrating 40 Years of the Rule of Life
The Rule of Life Retreat celebration brought together fifty-eight Blessed Sacrament Congregation vowed religious and Associates over four days the week of August 5th-8th, 2024. Each day offered the opportunity to engage in a deeper understanding of our shared Eucharistic charism.
The retreat opened with a reflection by Father Norman Pelletier SSS, inviting everyone to be open to the Spirit, drawing us together into a Eucharistic community and being formed by the Rule of Life and Rule of Life for Associates into the Eymardian family.
The next three days focused our attention on the themes of community, prayer, worship, and service as expressed in the Rules for religious and associates. Brother Michael Perez SSS, Father William Fickel SSS and Mary Muehle, Associate of the Blessed Sacrament, each reflected on the day’s theme to energize the table discussions.
Rotating table seating each day enabled us to get to know one another as we shared our stories of living this Eymardian way of life. We also reflected on what we can bring into the future from this experience to allow the spirituality of St. Peter Julian Eymard to influence our church and our world.
In true Eymardian spirit, the Retreat closed with a beautiful Eucharistic celebration and a banquet to celebrate who we are and who we are called to become!
Thanks go out to Father John Thomas Lane SSS for the beautiful liturgies and prayer experiences. Also, thank you to the Retreat Committee led by Mona Grigsby-Suarez for all their hard work preparing for this event.
Praise to all for a job well done!
Mrs Mary Muehle
Co-Director of the Center for Eucharistic Evangelizing