Monday, 23 December 2024 10:44

A plunge into the heart of our Charism: Reviewing five days of formation for SSS Major Superiors

From November 25 to 29, 2024, we had the privilege of participating in an ongoing international formation session that proved to be a real opportunity for growth, spiritual deepening, and renewal in our mission. These five days, rich in content and exchanges, were marked by attentive listening, stimulating reflections, and nourishing sharing. The carefully chosen speakers accompanied us in exploring the essential themes related to our vocation and our role as major superiors.

Our charismatic identity

One of the highlights of this formation session was the in-depth exploration of the dimensions of our charism, illuminated by the writings of the Founder and the history of our Congregation transmitted by our Rule of Life. Sharing this should revive in each of us the taste for reading and listening to the inspiring and clarifying word that it contains for our growth as religious and as a family. This immersion in our spiritual roots has not only strengthened our understanding but has also revived in us the desire to transmit this precious heritage to our confreres and to those with whom we collaborate.

A Prophetic Vision of Collaboration and Sharing the Charism with the Aggregation

This formation session showed us the extent to which our Founder had already grasped the importance of collaborating with the laity to incarnate and transmit our charism and our spirituality. In associating them in our mission he set out the bases of a fruitful communion in which each one, following their vocation, may contribute to give living expression of this spiritual heritage. This prophetic discernment, rooted in a profoundly evangelical vision, today invites us to pursue and deepen this dynamic of openness and co-responsibility. Thus, we are called to enrich our mission by weaving bonds of authentic partnership, in fidelity to the spirit of the Founder.

The necessity to know our identity through the writings of the Founder

These texts, bearers of our spiritual identity and our sss mission, have enabled us to review the foundations of our commitment. They have also invited us to rediscover the relevance and richness of our charism in the face of current challenges. Being aware of its identity is a fundamental requirement for any spiritual community. This quest takes on a particular dimension when we immerse ourselves into our Founder’s writings, a true source of light and direction for our mission. These texts, imbued with wisdom and divine inspiration, anchor us in a clear vision of our vocation and our journey.

The writings of the Founder are not merely historical documents. They constitute a living memorial, a recalling several profound insights that pertain to the birth of our religious family. They clarify our journey and enable us to understand the purpose of our commitment, the sense and scope of our mission. Delving into them enables us to discover the coherence that unites the Founder’s initial aspirations to the needs of our society today. Only a thorough understanding of these texts can help us to make the necessary aggiornamento today in its threefold fidelity: fidelity to the Holy Spirit, fidelity to the Church of Christ and fidelity to the Founder.

These writings must remain a source of unity that enable us to transcend the cultural or geographic differences of our provinces and to recognise we are members of one and same family, bearers of a unique heritage which we have to transmit to future generations. Thus, knowledge of them is a vital necessity and a basis for our spiritual growth, a compass for our mission and a leaven of unity for our community.

Prevention and Protection: a crucial commitment

Another central aspect treated during these days concerned how to prevent and deal with abuses of minors and vulnerable persons, a topic of crucial importance for our society and our Church. By relying on the Vade-mecum: Far from letting ourselves become paralyzed by the fear or unease that this issue can arouse, the Vade-mecum provides a school of guidance that invites us to a correct way of living, to conversion and to a change of mentality. By fully assuming our responsibility, we become credible witnesses of a Church that listens, protects and heals. This formation has therefore not only been useful to act effectively, but it has also reminded us that our commitment is a response to Christ's own call to serve the least.

Administration in the light of synodality

Administration was likewise a topic that had a central place in our discussions, examined from the angle of the Synod on Synodality. This approach, based on mutual listening (conversation of the spirit), collaboration and collective discernment, was presented to us as an essential model for a fair and humane way of managing our structures. We have to reflect together on how to enrich our experience by integrating as best as possible, in our governance, the dimension of synodality, already intrinsic to religious life, as a response to the calls of the Church and the people of God, in the light of evangelical values.

A call to share and transmit

At the end of these five intense days, we left with a renewed conviction: that of sharing these teachings and inspirations with all our confreres in our various provinces. As major superiors, we have the responsibility to transmit not only the content of this formation, but also the spirit that animated it. This task of transmission is essential to strengthen the unity and vitality of our community, while enabling us to respond to the calls of our time.

A path of growth in continuing

These intense and enriching occasions remind us that ongoing formation is not a luxury, but a necessity. They invite us to remain questing, to stay open to the Spirit, and to go forward together along the path of the mission. What we have experienced during this formation is not an end in itself, but the beginning of a process of transformation that must continue to bear fruit in our lives and in those of our communities. Thus, strengthened by these days of formation, we are called to become, in our turn, bearers of light, artisans of communion and faithful witnesses of our charism. May this experience inspire and guide us in the challenges ahead, so that, together, we can go forward with confidence along the path of synodality and mission.


Father Anaclet Bambala, sss
Vicar General




Animation General Council and Provincial/Regional Superiors SSS
Formation Session from 25 to 29 November 2024

The texts of the 5 speakers have been published in a global document for each language used during the session: English, French and Spanish.

These 3 documents have been uploaded to the Congregation's website in the reserved area, in the specific language section, folder FORMATION.

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Last modified on Monday, 23 December 2024 10:53