It is with joy that on this day, 9 December 2024, when the Congregation of the Religious of the Blessed Sacrament celebrates the 62nd anniversary of the Canonisation of the Founder Saint Peter-Julian Eymard, and at the same time the 40th anniversary of the Rule of Life, that the Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe, belonging to the Blessed Sacrament Conference of the Americas (CSA), is delighted to welcome two new religious, Brothers Gleyson Modesto Sozinho, sss and Mateo Fabián Woll, sss, who have just made their First Religious Profession.
This celebration was preceded by a retreat during which our young confreres addressed the following theme: "The experience of the gift of self in religious life, based on our SSS Formula of Profession".
The ceremony took place during the 6 p.m. Eucharistic celebration at the Shrine of Saint Peter-Julian Eymard in Sete Lagoas, Brazil, presided over by Father Marcelo Carlos da Silva, sss Provincial Superior, in the presence of our SSS religious confreres. This is also the site of the CSA’s Inter-American Novitiate.
Father Francisco Mendy, sss
Master of Novices