Friday, 21 July 2023 09:01

Facebook access to Saint Peter-Julian Eymard

In order to foster a greater knowledge of the richness of the life and the Eucharistic spirituality of Saint Peter-Julian Eymard, the Eymard Centre of spirituality at La Mure is attempting to set up this Facebook communica-tion channel (search: centre de spiritualité Eymard).


         Facebook Saint EymardThe aim is to enable the whole Eymardian family and anyone wishing to get to know Saint Peter-Julian Eymard, to have easy and quick access to the thoughts of this holy apostle of the Eucharist.

This entails having access online, everywhere and at any time, by a simple click, to Father Eymard’s meditations, teachings.

         We are very glad to offer you this additional service in our endeavour to communicate effectively through the Mass Media the spirituality of Father Eymard and his Eucharistic passion. For this reason the Eymard Centre makes available to as many people as possible excerpts from Father Eymard’s meditations, teachings and thoughts linked to the Word of God every day. So this contribution can be of some use to anyone wishing to relive and bear witness daily to the gift of the self and its social implications as experienced by Father Eymard.

         The lockdown linked to the Covid-19 pandemic introduced, paradoxically, various new initiatives, among which was an eagerness to spread of our Founder’s desire: namely, for the proclamation of the riches of God's love in the Eucharist. Our Superior General always encourages us about this during all his visits and messages to the SSS Community of La Mure and the Eucharistic Centre in particular.

Apropos this, with the collaboration of the diocesan radio stations Radio Chrétienne Française of Grenoble, Radio Espérance of Saint Étienne and Radio Maria of Toulon, the Centre presented various interviews and catechises on the life and relevance today of St Peter-Julian. Eymard’s message. Then the Eymard Centre of Spirituality set up zoom, remote communication. Here, we provide Eymardian days of teachings and talks on the Eucharist and the spirituality of Saint Peter-Julian Eymard.

Today, our Centre is attempting to set up this Facebook means of communication in the hope of enabling a wider audience to have access to the riches of the spirituality of this Saint of the Eucharist for whom the Eucharist celebrated, prayed and lived is one and the same reality.

         Finally, our thanks go to: Monsignor Loïc Lagadec, the new Auxiliary Bishop of Lyons, our Superior General Eugênio Barbosa Martins and his team, our Superiors for their encouragement during their visits to the Eymard Centre, and to the members of our Office and to Miss Émilie Rebreyend for their witness of availability and support in spreading the charism of Saint Peter-Julian Eymard.

16 June 2023

Father Thaddée Mupapa, sss
Superior of the community of La Mure

Last modified on Friday, 21 July 2023 09:07